Why do we need to restore streams?

Waterways are vital for the health of the environment! If we clog our streams with sediment, the harbour gets clogged, too. This destroys the fish and bird life. When we pollute our streams we kill off the microorganisms that plant and fish life need to survive. Agriculture, urbanisation and deforestation also have a negative impact on the condition of our streams. 

What is Project Twin Streams doing to restore streams?

Water quality is an issue in New Zealand. We are doing our bit by working to restore 56 kms of streambanks in West Auckland through planting, waste removal, education and engagement.

First, we remove rubbish and noxious weeds like bamboo, willow and tradescantia. Then ferns, grasses and other small canopy plants are planted on the streambank, contributing to the food chain. Next we plant fast growing colonizing plants (including coprosmas, māhoe, cabbage trees and carex grasses) that produce seeds and berries for insects and birds. As these plants grow, larger slow-growing species like kauri, tōtara and pūriri are added.

These plants –

🌿 stabilise the stream banks, reducing erosion and sediment moving downstream

🌿 filter heavy metals and other contaminants before they enter our streams

🌿 provide habitats for insects, birds and animals

🌿 create an attractive recreational environment to be proud of

Gradually, over time, the mud and sediment deposited over the past few hundred years will wash away and we will be left with clear, clean streams!

You can find out the current state of things by reading our latest environmental monitoring report here

For more information about our community engagement approach click here.