Our Streams – Our Dreams


EcoMatters Environment Trust has worked with the Glen Eden community on Project Twin Streams since 2006. Our mission is to be a tohu (focal point) to connect people and place, to nurture kaitiakitanga (guardianship) and help restore the mauri (life force) of our environment. Together with the community, we care for 15.6 kilometres of the Waikumete Stream catchment, which includes the Waikumete, Whakarina and Bishop streams. Our aspiration is to see flourishing stream ecosystems, seeds germinating without human intervention and safe habitats for native fish, birds and critters.

The Waikumete awa flows from the Okaurirahi catchment and represents one of the key headwaters for the Henderson Creek. It goes from Titirangi through Glen Eden, linking the bush-clad lower slopes of Te Wao Nui a Tiriwa (the Great Forest of Tiriwa) also known as the Waitākere Ranges, to the Waitematā harbour. The restoration project has inspired the creation of great community assets such as walkways, cycleways, community art and gardens. It sustains native flora and fauna and is home to the wonderful Wirihana and Kowhai Reserve Wetland, a rare urban example of one of the most threatened ecosystems in New Zealand.

Glen Eden streams flow through the most heavily urbanised region of the Project Twin Streams catchment. For this reason, we focus on empowering the community to look after the streams by having weekly restoration sessions and other community events where people can learn about removing weeds, planting natives, and environmental monitoring ‘by doing’.

We would like to thank the amazing people who have been involved in the project such as schools, groups, Glen Eden Transition Town (GETT) and other community members. We would also like to acknowledge the tautoko (support) of mana whenua, Te Kawerau a Maki, and in particular, the late Eru Thompson.

We welcome volunteers at any time, but also have regular volunteer sessions every Wednesday and Friday. If you are interested in getting involved please contact our Community Coordinators.

Unique to Glen Eden: 



Community Coordinators:

Pamela Gill
Community Coordinator
09 826 0554
021 308 257

Alanah Mullin
PTS Glen Eden Stream Ranger
09 813 2285
021 308 268

Project Twin Streams Glen Eden is facilitated by EcoMatters Environment Trust, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn

You can read some of our archived newsletters here: