Community Engagement

By partnering with four community-based organisations Project Twin Streams builds community ownership of the project in ways that are inclusive and meaningful for local neighbourhood communities because:

  • People are more likely to make changes in behaviour when they understand the problem and are part of identifying the solutions.
  • Local communities know the most appropriate and effective methods to engage local people.
  • Each community has its own diverse characteristics. Programmes need to be adapted to harness the diverse strengths of communities. A one sized solution is not effective.
  • Creative learning methods that engage with people’s hearts and minds are more effective in creating meaningful and long-term behaviour change than simply distributing written information.
  • Local organisations can be more effective than Council in engaging their own communities but need to be adequately resourced and supported to do so.
  • A partnership approach between communities; local, regional and central government, non-government organisations and local people is a very effective way of achieving long-term change.

This community development model has proved extremely successful in facilitating diverse and significant community engagement. Communities have taken ownership of their own areas with spin-off projects such as the Pā Harakeke o te Iwi, Millbrook Edible Garden and Lucinda Place Community Orchard.

Creative Engagement

We also work with community on a wide range of creative projects (such as drawing, painting, drama and sculpture) to raise environmental awareness in a fun and interesting way. There are two strands to our creative engagement:

  1. Environmental arts activities – often at community planting days and festivals. Examples include painting clay fish, paper making from weeds, weaving and clay model making.
  2. Long-term projects – which span months (and at times years) and draw together various volunteer groups, schools and sections of the community.

 Click below to see a small sample of some of the amazing creative work: