Ranui-Massey Update

It has been a busy and exciting few months for Project Twin Streams at Ranui-Massey.

We have recently welcomed Cecily Mantell, the new Kaikōkiri/Manager at Te Ūkaipō. We are looking forward to her new style and infectious vitality radiating throughout the community.

Since July up until the end of September we are now doing all of our own Technical Support, which has been a significant streamside change for all involved. While this has inevitably bought about challenges, it has provided a great opportunity for both community groups and the team to expand their experiences and knowledge, first-hand working for their stream environment.

Groups have been working hard as a result of the recent heavy rains,removing tradescantia, organic and inorganic flotsam that has washed from upstream, in addition to maintaining their adopted patches. Almost all involved have noted the significant effects the rapidly flowing waters have had on the stream banks, with debris spotted high up trees and large gouges taken out of banks in some places, altering entire sections of the stream.  A frequent observation from group members is that “It’s a good thing there are so many trees holding the banks up now, otherwise…!” As always, everyone is welcome to come and join the team streamside, experiencing the ever-changing environment first hand.